Sunday, November 19, 2006

Choosing the right Database Management System for your online Business (Oracle)

There are many advantages of using Oracle and they are as follow:
1.Oracle is available on multiple platforms such as Windows, all flavors of UNIX from vendors such as IBM, Sun, HP, etc. The multi-platform nature of Oracle makes it a true enterprise solution.
2.Oracle has a complete suite of products for data warehouse.
3.Retailer of data warehouse products will always write their products to support Oracle first.
4.Oracle Data Guard is one of the most effective and comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solutions available today for enterprise data.

However there are some disadvantages of using Oracle and they are as follow:
1.Cost is the biggest argument against buying Oracle products.
2.Oracle is not simple to use and administer, which ends up costing companies more in the long run in the form of consulting fees and support staff.
3.In Oracle the Maximum number of columns in one table is 1000, however it is 3398 in MySQL and 1600 in PostgreSQL. Having said that, you might argue that no database requires 1000 columns in a table, but some big databases might do.
4.Oracle doesn’t support inserting several rows at a time in a table which will help inserting data to the database faster.

INSERT INTO tablename
VALUES (0,'husam') , (1,'ali') , (2,'jalal');

Which can be as shorthand for
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (0,'husam');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (1,'ali');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (2,'jalal');

Nevertheless this function is supported by MySQL and DB2


All the links above were accessed 14/2/06