How to Build Web site Traffic with Customized Content
To attract and engage qualified new visitors, says Tom Pick, a Web marketing consultant, construction firms must offer content that both helps the visitor and positions their company as the expert in that market niche.
Here are a few of Pick’s suggestions to attract visitors to your Web site with compelling content:
News feeds. No one has time to monitor all the various sources of industry intelligence. Publishing an aggregated news feed on your site lets you provide your visitors with timely industry news in one place. Services such as Moreover, NetContent,
subtly positions your company as an expert, while providing useful “how to” type information to the reader. You can write the white paper internally (if you have the right resources), hire a freelance writer, or have the paper authored on your behalf by an analyst group or recognized industry expert. This last option is the most expensive, but also has the greatest impact.
Webinars. Essentially PowerPoint presentations delivered online using an Internet conferencing service, webinars are an increasingly popular way to present educational and white-paper-like content. Upside: Webinars give your message the combined impact of audio, visuals, and interactivity. Downside: They tie your audience to their computers for 30 to 60 minutes.
For more details: Visit Pick’s Web site at Web